Over the past few months we have been busy! School started for me and going really well. My class this year is pretty great and I finally feel like I'm doing a good job teaching my kiddos.
David continues to work from home and raise our little angel. He also got a job working at Scott Trade Center (so he can get out of the house a little).
Noelle is growing and growing. She no longer likes to be fed from a spoon. She wants to do it all by herself, which inevitably means a mess! She is pulling up like a champ and loves walking around holding on to anything she can reach. At her 9 month check up she weighed 23lbs and was 28 3/4 in. long. That puts her in the 90%, but at least she is proportional.

Below are some pictures from our visit to Grant's Farm. It was fun and hot, but we will definitely have to go again when Noelle is older.

We are beginning the works on Noelle's 1st birthday party and we will let everyone know more details later! I can't believe it is only 2 months away.
Happy 10 month birthday baby girl!